
Monday, December 20, 2010

Menghapus aplikasi Symbian yang Bandel

Symbian merupakan os terlama handphone. Banyak vendor yang bekerjasama dengan Symbian, oleh akrean itu banyak aplikasi Symbian. Nah jika anda mengisntall aplikasi Symbian dan setelah direstart aplikasi masih ada juga itu karena aplikasi tersbut bandel.

Best Call Notes s60v3 v1.0

Best Call Notes allows you to take notes during a call. Notes can be tagged to the person you are speaking with and can be easily accessed when you have a conversation with this contact next time. Also you can create global notes to be accessible during any call. The program provides an easy access to any note taken during a call. You may browse, edit or pre-create notes for a contact at any time.

Additionally it provides small but handy functions to improve your calling experience like call duration timer, instant call back or sms send, view contact details you are speaking with, unknown numbers fast shipping to new or existing contacts, creating calendar events right after a call, etc

The application does not substitute your phone dialer or any your phone functionality you are used to. It integrates itself into the system and extends the functionality of calling and after calling process in native S60 way.

Best Calc for S60 3rd v1.05

A powerful calculator with basic, scientific and engineering functions that supports four notations: decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary.

It contains over 30 built-in functions - trigonometric, logarithmic, exponent ones in addition to standard functions.

Intuitive keyboard design provides efficient access to lots of functions without having to access menus or lists.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Cara hack Symbian dengan PC

Jika ponsel anda masih belum bisa di hack, saya akan memberikan alternatif lain.
Dengan menggunakan Sign lewat PC.

Hal yang perlu di persiapkan:
1. Hape dalam kondisi prima
2. Baterai Hape penuh
3. FreeSigner
4. Sertifikat dan Key Symbian di OPDA cert n key
5. Nomer imei hape Symbian

Cara hack Symbian dengan HP

Masalah yang terutama setelah membeli hap Symbian adalah bagaimana cara mengistall aplikasi unsigned..
Biasanya terjadi kepada siapa saja..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Best Secretary v2.00 S60v3 S60v5 S^3

Personal secretary Best Secretary v2.00 S60v3 S60v5 S^3 Signed App Incl Keygen

Best Secretary s60v3 s60v5 Nokia s^3 signed applicatoin included keygen. Best Secretary is a full scale voice calls and SMS processing application. It can automatically answer a call and play a predefined voice message to a specified person or group of persons. It can block unwanted calls and automatically answer your incoming messages.

Download :

password : 3E4508D1

Smartphoneware Best Full Screen Message v3.0 S60v5

When you get a voice call, no matter what application you're in, you always have instant access to it. Why getting a new message should be different on your phone?
FS Message application shows incoming text message on full screen instantly when it comes. You've heard incoming message sound? Just take the phone out of your pocket to see the message on the screen already.
Too busy to check your phone screen? No problem, the program can read aloud the sender's name or the entire incoming message to your phone loudspeaker or headset using text-to-speech engine.
If the text message is too large and does not fit the screen you can scroll it up and down. Additionally it shows all unread messages and you can switch between them very fast with left/right keys
You can mark the message as read, reply it, call back to the sender, delete the message or open it in messaging application.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kaspersky mobile antiVirus security v9.03.79

Kaspersky mobile antiVirus security v9.03.79 s60v3 s60v5 S^3 antiVirus. Kaspersky Mobile Security 9.0 is designed to ensure complex protection of mobile devices.

* File system scan for viruses or other malicious programs by user’s demand or according to the schedule.
* On-access anti-virus file scan.
* Anti-virus databases update by user’s demand or according to the schedule via GPRS, Wi-Fi, EDGE or ActiveSync “for Windows Mobile version”.
* Blocking unsolicited SMS messages and calls.
* Opportunity to block or delete the user data in case the device is lost or stolen.
* Device protection against network attacks via TCP/IP.
* Opportunity to create a folder for saving files in the encrypted form “Except for smartphones running Symbian OS 9.4″

Sejarah Symbian

Symbian OS adalah sistem operasi tak bebas yang dikembangkan oleh Symbian Ltd. yang dirancang untuk digunakan peralatan bergerak (mobile). Saat ini Symbian OS banyak telah banyak digunakan oleh berbagai vendor produk peralatan komunikasi mobile pada berbagai jenis produk mereka yang bervariasi. Variasi dari sisi hardware ini dimana Symbian OS diimplementasi dapat dimungkinkan karena sistem operasi ini memiliki antarmuka pemprograman aplikasi (Application Programming Interface; API). API mendukung terhadap komunikasi dan tingkah laku yang umum pada hardware yang dapat digunakan oleh objek aplikasi lain. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena API merupakan objek antarmuka yang didefenisikan pada level aplikasi, yang berisikan prosedur dan fungsi (dan juga variabel serta struktur data) yang mengelola/memanggil kernel dimana sebagai penghubung antara software dan hardware. Dengan adanya standar API ini membantu pihak pengembang untuk melakukan penyesuaian atas aplikasi yang dibuatnya agar dapat diinstal pada produk telepon bergerak yang bermacam-macam.